Saturday, November 3, 2007

day of bowling

woke up at 12 today and skipped both my lecs.. only went at 3 for that ghey AW lec.. i only went because they were taking attendance loh.. met kaiwen for teh at mensa after that.. i told the aunty there: yi ge teh C, yi ge teh. which means 1 teh C 1 teh.. but she misheard me as liang ge teh.. so i got 2 tehs and a teh C.. haha.. in the end, i drank a teh C and a teh..

went back home after that to get my bowling stuff and then went to tamp safra to meet some of team TP..bowled for 2 games only because i got there late.. after bowling, dad picked us up and we went back home for dinner..

after dinner, went to NSRCC to bowl summore.. made a new friend today.. Sean Lim who recently bowled a 300 using his NVS and won 10K (i think).. saw marc wee there also and chatted with him abit before going back home at 11..

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