Saturday, November 24, 2007

black and white photo developing workshop

attended the BnW developing workshop today together with Dickson, Andy, Clara and Sharon.. Suan Yang and Phyo taught us how to do it.. so cool lah.. haha.. bet u didnt know that actually developing the film into pictures dosent requite ink at all..

anyway, got to school early for for lec and then went to cc to slack.. Shu Xian joined me at about 11 after her jap tutorial.. we slacked around and played with my laptop.. Dickson, YaWen and Noel joined us after awhile and we all just sat around and chilled.. at about 12.50, me and Shu Xian left for LT21 at buisness for jap lecture.. after jap lec, we went back to cc to deposite our books and left for jupiter cafe with Noel.. had chicken leg pasta and a cup of hot mocha..

after going back to cc, Noel took out his rubik's cube (alot of people have been playing with it recently).. so i gave it a go and found it really addictive.. haha.. Dickson has one too and he's like.. the master.. haha.. anyway, at about 4, we all went outside cc to celebrate YaWen's and Clara's birthdays both of which fall on this sunday.. lol..

At about 5, everyone left for their respective events.. (YaWen, Shu Xian, Alfred and Alexial to Kelly Poon's concert) (Me, Dickson, Sharon, Clara, Andy, Suan Yang and Phyo to the dark room) learnt how to develope the negatives in the dark room.. wont reveal too much here..

went back to cc at about 7.30 and everyone except Alexial and Shu Xian went to TM to have dinner (pastamania).. i also went to toys'r'us to get my own rubik's cube.. LOL

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