Monday, July 16, 2007

Feeling much better!

thanks to everyone for helping to cheer me up! especially the guys in school.. they really made my day.. every day with them is well spent with laughter and excitement.. well.. maybe its because Jeffery is there.. HAHA!!

Anyway, sorry for the dull and dead-sounding blog posts for the previous days.. lets just leave that be and continue.. todays been a relatively boring day.. it started with the usual monday engine fund lab.. todays lab was extremely boring.. the only intresting part is when we were introduced to the osciloscope.. everyone was playing around with it to get different patterns on it.. i think i managed to get a tangent wave on the display.. LOL!!

after that, we headed to LT29 for maths lec.. i stoned throughout the lec because Ray was using my PSP.. so i was hovering in between being asleep and awake.. hahahaha.. we skipped engfund lec to go have lunch at short circuit.. we had 2 hours to spend.. so we just slacked at the canteen.. me, zach and mark took out PSPs to play.. and i was challenged to outrun 4 times, winning all of them.. im too good man.. when kaiwen challenged me last time, he lost all 3 times.. XD.. so xialan.. haha..

comprog was next and i THINK i know what he wants for the flowchart already.. so i'm meeting up with them tomorrow again to hopefully finalize the bleeding thing.. comprog today was a total nightmare.. i got the desired output on my first try.. but the teacher wanted me to use another method.. so ok.. i editted it so that it had another method.. then he told me that the method needed a do-while loop.. GHEY!! wtf for!? i did the program 2 times already, both times getting the output you wanted.. whats the diffrence with the way i do it? lame.. in the end, i was the only one in class to complete (i think..)

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