Sunday, October 14, 2007


did nothing much today.. woke up at 1+ and went for kway chup lunch at round market and head home again to stay for the rest of the day.. damn boring lah.. glen called me and asked if i wanted to go bowling.. so i said OK and he asked me to book lanes at NSRCC at 7 while he asked the rest.. i got the lanes and then he told me that no one else could come.. LOL!!

so in the end, at 7, me, dad and marc met glen there to bowl.. bowl like crap lah today.. seriously.. dunnu whats up man.. same release and everything.. must be the lanes lah.. too uber dry already.. eneded up using my polyester ball to bowl.. and even that can overhook lah.. crazyness..

went to 802 for dinner again.. had chicken chop with rice..

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