since i was about 12 and my dad bought me my first ever Need for Speed (Underground), i was hooked onto cars. that very same week of buying the game, i discovered top gear, and turned into a right car nut.
so anyway, since 12, i have always wanted to drive and i recall telling my mum that if i buy a car next time, i would be a manual because that was how real drivers drove.
then years past, and i grew more and more worried about being able to attain a license what with my colour deficiency. but a few months after i turned 18, on a breezy morning, 27/02/09, my dad, the one who first got me hooked by buying me my first ever NFS, drove me to Ubi to register, knowing full well that he won't be able to see much of his beloved car after i've passed.
1 month later, 27/03/09, today, i've cleared my first obstacle to obtaining a license. with any luck, by the same date next month, i'd have cleared my second.