my macbook got stolen today.. no, seriously.. guess by what specific race? i wont mention that god forsaken race here, but im guessing that you guys already know which particular race it is as it has a knack of producing ill mannered, poorly brought up, useless, primitive.. etc etc.. creatures that we share our humble island with, and are probably caused by years of inbreeding and sick perversion that they are known for
so anyway, i left my macbook at cc for what was to be 5 mins while i went to the bookshop and back.. during that time, one of the more inbreed male from said racial group decided that my macbook is pretty.. so instead of just admiring it and maybe taking a picture or two, decided to tuck it under his blue shirt and run out of cc.. luckily for me, PH saw it, and gave chase.. said chase was claimed to be epic with the mongrel running for dear apple goodness towards bedok reservoir.. PH recruited some help, which included the like of a foreign student on a bicycle. said student then gave chase, and when said unintelligent creature realised that it was a failure in life, decided to give up and throw my macbook + charger into the grass before taking flight.. sadly, the nasty piece of excrement was not caught and given a proper decapitation, but my macbook was safe..
back at cc, we reviewed the cctv, which the shit-for-brains didnt realise existed, and saw how he had scouted the area, and only entered when both PH and Dom was not at the counter.. the cctv just managed to catch a glimpse of his trollish, primitive face, but it is unclear if it would be of any use to us.. it showed how he touched lots and lots of things in cc with his clumsy, sausage-like fingers, thus leaving numerous fingerprints for the police to work with..
seeing how a mac is an advanced piece of technology, i must ponder about how a laid-back, unintelligent ape like himself could have comprehended the complexities of it, and thus had to conclude that he would sell it, and buy more bright blond hair dye, cigarettes, trucker caps, piercings and skinny jeans for himself to make him look like our average everyday (racial group)
well, thus ends the epic tale of my macbook, and know that on this day (18/08/08), the civilised triumphed over the lower classed, incomprehensibly stupid.
P.S. I have NOT and WILL NOT reveal the aforementioned ethnic group in my blog. if you have a dying need to know which one it is, approach me directly.
P.P.S then again, you would have already guessed which low-lifed scum i am talking about